This is the sixth edition of an annual celebration of culture let off at the very heart of the Mediterranean, on the history laden island of Gozo.
Mythology has it that the charm of this island aided the most beautiful nymph Calypso to halt Ulysses on his journeys and hair-raising quests, to lull him, lure him away from his travels for seven mystical years. Today, Gozo’s charm seeks to lure its visitors into a kaleidoscope of events, a celebration at that time of year that is in itself magical in this part of the world. Through Festival Mediterranea’s diverse events, visitors will embark on their very own cultural adventure surfing through the island’s seven thousand years of known history.
The festival uncovers the island in all its aspects, without eliminating the thrills of exploration and discovery. Festival Mediterranea offers all that Gozo boasts of in the cultural and artistic arena. Opera. Classical and symphonic music. A wealth of archaeology and history that is Gozo’s heritage. Folklore and cuisine. The creativity of the Gozitan people who are islanders, a true and genuine people … as are their products. And the backdrop to this festival is Gozo’s sheer, natural beauty in warm autumn, October and November.
Festival Mediterranea unveils Gozo as a mosaic of Mediterranean civilisation, heritage and art. It is indeed a showpiece of a hundred things our own, an opportunity for a break from the routine of conventional life; a chance to immerse oneself in the mellow world of Gozo’s autumn, and explore and live the cultural tradition of its 7000 years of history.
Live the Mediterranean.
…celebrating 7000 years of culture on Gozo.