Il-Bieraħ fil-gazzetta ‘The Maltese Herald’, f’paġna 13 deher artiklu bl-isem “St George’s Feast in Calypso Island” flimkien ma’ għadd ta’ ritratti miktub minn Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech li kien jirrigwardja l-festa ferm popolari ta’ San Ġorġ, li għadna kif iċċelebrajna ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu. M’hemmx għalfejn noqgħod inżid ħafna diskors jien…ser inħalli f’idejkom taqraw l-esperjenza ta’ din il-persuna waqt il-festa tagħna, u taraw il-kummenti ferm sbieħ li għaddiet dwar il-festa, l-parroċċa u s-Soċjetà tagħna….
It was a pleasure meeting some foreign tourists on board the Gozo Channel Ferry who had returned on an annual vacation to Gozo, made to coincide with the feast of St George, their favourite. It was most interesting to hear how fascinated they were about their holiday in both Malta & Gozo and how much they had grown to love the rich local culture and traditions over the years. Integrating with the locals was most rewarding as the irresistible hospitality they experienced was “like the sun that warmed your heart in winter”; they confessed. I met a Gozitan toddler who warmed my heart at the feast. Barely 2 years old, this little “Ġorġjana” was singing and clapping “Ġorġi tagħna” while in her mother’s arms. Suddenly she stopped and began to pick the lumps of confetti that had fallen from the belfry towers onto my head. Her caring attitude towards me, a complete stranger, was amazing and highly admirable. While admiring the street decorations at it-Tokk, we met two veteran Gozitan artists/sculptors, Paul Camilleri Cauchi and his brother Alfred, who kindly showed us their creations and gave us an explaining of those created by their father, the late Wistin Camilleri.
During the demonstration on Saturday, the La Stella Band Club gave everyone a pleasant surprise by the appearance of a unique mobile float and a display of stunning fireworks from the float and the Club’s roof. On feast day, the statue of St George was brought out from the basilica and the choir sang hymns before the start of the procession, in to honour the martyr. The moment they uttered the words, “Glory to our immortal Cavalier George”, the “Ġorġjani” surrounded the statue and waved palm leaves to salute him. In the midst of the emotive tones of the church bell and the roaring of the crowd, colourful fireworks and confetti filled the sky. An array of events had been programmed over the weeks and various band clubs from Malta & Gozo were invited to perform at the feast, including the popular Nicholo Isouard Band Club, from my hometown, Mosta. Spectacular as it has always been, the feast of St George in Gozo, held on 15th July, was another resounding success. A beautiful feast accompanied by a pleasant vacation was a wish come true.
Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech
It-Tlieta, 31 ta’ Lulju, 2007